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Classic Eyelashes

What Are Classic Eyelash Extensions? Classic Eyelash Extensions involve the precise application of individual synthetic lashes to your natural lashes, providing length and volume. Each lash is carefully bonded with a safe, medical-grade adhesive to create a natural, yet captivating look.

Benefits of Classic Eyelash Extensions:

  1. Enhanced Eyes: Achieve a fuller, longer lash appearance, accentuating the natural beauty of your eyes.

  2. Time-Saving: Skip mascara and the hassle of daily eye makeup, enjoying a ready-to-go, effortlessly polished look.

  3. Customization: Tailor the length and thickness to your preference, ensuring a personalized, flattering result.

  4. Confidence Boost: Wake up with refreshed eyes, boosting your confidence and overall self-esteem.

Risks and Safety: Our skilled technicians prioritize your safety and comfort. We use high-quality, hypoallergenic adhesives and follow stringent hygiene protocols to minimize any potential risks, ensuring your experience is smooth and secure.

Aftercare for Long-Lasting Beauty:

  1. Gentle Cleansing: Cleanse your lashes daily with a mild, oil-free cleanser to maintain hygiene.

  2. Avoid Oil-Based Products: Steer clear of oil-based makeup removers, as they can weaken the adhesive bond.

  3. Regular Touch-Ups: Schedule touch-up appointments to maintain the fullness and seamless look of your lashes.

  4. Avoid Rubbing: Refrain from rubbing or pulling your lashes to prevent damage and premature shedding.


Book your appointment now for a mesmerizing and hassle-free beauty solution!



(786) 656 - 6345

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